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HillCare Scientific Lab According to its formula, nitric acid contains a large percentage of oxygen, and the reaction just mentioned shows that the compound is not a very stable one, easily undergoing decomposition. These properties should make it a good oxidizing agent, and we find that this is the case. Under ordinary circumstances, when acting as an oxidizing agent, it is decomposed according to the equation. lab furniture price in vadodara.
This complete equation has the advantage of making it possible to calculate very easily the proportions in which the various substances enter into the reaction or are formed in it. It is unsatisfactory in that it does not give full information about the way in which the reaction takes place. For example, it does not suggest that hydrogen is at first formed, and subsequently transformed into water. lab furniture price in vadodara
It is always much more important to remember the steps in a chemical reaction than to remember the equation expressing the complete action; for if these steps in the reaction are understood, the complete equation is easily obtained in the manner just described. lab furniture price in vadodara
The oxide of nitrogen so formed is called nitrous oxide or laughing gas. It is a colorless gas having a slight odor. It is somewhat soluble in water, and in solution has a slightly sweetish taste. It is easily converted into a liquid and can be purchased in this form. When inhaled it produces a kind of hysteria (hence the name “laughing gas”), and even unconsciousness and insensibility to pain if taken in large amounts. It has long been used as an anæsthetic for minor surgical operations, such as those of dentistry, but owing to its unpleasant after effects it is not so much in use now as formerly. lab furniture price in vadodara
Pure nitric oxide is a colorless gas, slightly heavier than air, and is practically insoluble in water. It is a difficult gas to liquefy. Unlike nitrous oxide, nitric oxide does not part with its oxygen easily, and burning substances introduced into this gas are usually extinguished. A few substances like phosphorus, which have a very strong affinity for oxygen and which are burning energetically in the air, will continue to burn in an atmosphere of nitric oxide. In this case the nitric oxide loses all of its oxygen and the nitrogen is set free as gas.
in one direction unless the conditions under which the reaction takes place are very carefully chosen. Thus, if iron and steam are confined in a heated tube, the steam acts upon the iron, producing iron oxide and hydrogen. But these substances in turn act upon each other to form iron and steam once more. When these two opposite reactions go on at such rates that the weight of the iron changed into iron oxide is just balanced by the weight of the iron oxide changed into iron, there will be no further change in the relative weights of the fou substances present in the tube. The reaction is then said to have reached an equilibrium.
has come to an equilibrium is opened and more steam is admitted, an additional quantity of the iron will be changed into iron oxide. If more hydrogen is admitted, some of the oxide will be reduced to metal. The point of equilibrium is therefore dependent upon the relative masses of the substances taking part in the reaction. When one of the substances is a solid, however, its mass has little influence, since it is only the extent of its surface which can affect the reaction.
when the equilibrium between iron and steam has been reached, the tube is opened and a current of steam is passed in, the hydrogen is swept away as fast as it is formed. The opposing reaction of hydrogen upon iron oxide must therefore cease, and the action of steam on the iron will go on until all of the iron has been transformed into iron oxide.
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