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HillCare Scientific Lab  have element hydrogen was first clearly recognized as a distinct substance by the English investigator Cavendish, who in 1766 obtained it in a pure state, and showed it to be different from the other inflammable airs or gases which had long been known. Lavoisier gave it the name hydrogen, signifying water former, we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in chennai

In the free state hydrogen is found in the atmosphere, but only in traces. In the combined state it is widely distributed, being a constituent of water as well as of all living organisms, and the products derived from them, such as starch and sugar. About HillCare Scientific Lab  the human body is hydrogen. Combined with carbon, it forms the substances which constitute petroleum and natural gas. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in chennai

By the action of certain metals. When brought into contact with certain metals under appropriate conditions, water gives up a portion or the whole of its hydrogen, its place being taken by the metal. In the case of a few of the metals this change occurs at ordinary temperatures. Thus, if a bit of sodium is thrown on water, an action is seen to take place at once, sufficient heat being generated to melt the sodium, which runs about on the surface of the water. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in chennai.

The sodium hydroxide formed is a white solid which remains dissolved in the undecomposed water, and may be obtained by evaporating the solution to dryness. The hydrogen is evolved as a gas and may be collected by suitable apparatus. Other metals, such as magnesium and iron, decompose water rapidly, but only at higher temperatures. When steam is passed over hot iron, for example, the iron combines with the oxygen of the steam, thus displacing the hydrogen. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in chennai.

slowly at first, until the iron is red-hot. Steam is then conducted through the tube by boiling the water in the flask A. The hot iron combines with the oxygen in the steam, setting free the hydrogen, which is collected over water. The gas which first passes over is mixed with the air previously contained in the flask and tube, and is allowed to escape, since a mixture of hydrogen with oxygen or air explodes violently when brought in contact with a flame. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in rajasthan

In other words, the zinc has taken the place of the hydrogen in sulphuric acid. The resulting compound contains zinc, sulphur, and oxygen, and is known as zinc sulphate. This remains dissolved in the water present in the acid. It may be obtained in the form of a white solid by evaporating the liquid left after the metal has passed into solution. When iron is used the changes which take place are exactly similar to those just given for zinc. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in rajasthan

Both sulphuric acid and zinc, if impure, are likely to contain small amounts of arsenic. Such materials should not be used in preparing hydrogen, since the arsenic present combines with a portion of the hydrogen to form a very poisonous gas known as arsine. laboratory furniture suppliers in bangalore sulphuric acid, i.e. sulphuric acid that is entirely free from impurities, will not act upon chemically pure zinc. The reaction may be started, however, by the addition of a few drops of a solution of copper we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in rajasthan

laboratory furniture suppliers in bangalore, tasteless, odorless gas. It is characterized by its extreme lightness, being the lightest of all known substances. One liter of the gas weighs only. On comparing this weight with that of an equal volume of oxygen, the latter is found to be times as heavy as hydrogen. Similarly, air is found to be times as heavy as hydrogen. Soap bubbles blown with hydrogen rapidly rise in the air. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in rajasthan

On account of its lightness it is possible to pour it upward from one bottle into another. Thus, if the bottle A  is filled with hydrogen, placed mouth downward by the side of bottle B, filled with air, and is then gradually inverted under B as indicated in the figure, the hydrogen will flow upward into bottle B, displacing the air. Its presence in bottle B may then be shown by bringing a lighted splint to the mouth of the bottle, we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in rajasthan.

Hydrogen is similar to oxygen in that it is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas. It is characterized by its extreme lightness, being the lightest of all known substances. One liter of the gas weighs only. On comparing this weight with that of an equal volume of oxygen, we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in surat hydrogen. Similarly, air is found to be times as heavy as hydrogen. Soap bubbles blown with hydrogen rapidly rise in the air. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in surat

we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in surat. Thus, if the bottle A is filled with hydrogen, placed mouth downward by the side of bottle B, filled with air, and is then gradually inverted under we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in surat flow upward into bottle B, displacing the air. Its presence in bottle B may then be shown by bringing a lighted splint to the mouth of the bottle, when the hydrogen will be ignited by the flame. we are expert in laboratory furniture suppliers in surat

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