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HillCare Scientific Lab of the atomic weight of an element it is necessary to find the weight of the element which combines with a definite weight of another element, preferably the element chosen as the standard. Since oxygen combines with the elements far more readily than does hydrogen to form definite compounds, it is far better adapted for the standard element, and has accordingly replaced hydrogen as the standard.
Heat cannot be measured by the use of a thermometer alone, since the thermometer measures the intensity of heat, not its quantity. The easiest way to measure a quantity of heat is to note how warm it will make a definite amount of a given substance chosen as a standard. Water has been chosen as the standard, and the unit of heat is called a calorie. A calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree.
Nitrogen was discovered by the English chemist Rutherford. A little later Scheele showed it to be a constituent of air, and Lavoisier gave it the name azote, signifying that it would not support life. The name nitrogen was afterwards given it because of its presence in saltpeter or niter. The term azote and symbol Az are still retained by the French chemists.
Nitrogen can be prepared from air by the action of some substance which will combine with the oxygen, leaving the nitrogen free. Such a substance must be chosen, however, as will combine with the oxygen to form a product which is not a gas, and which can be readily separated from the nitrogen. The substances most commonly used for this purpose are phosphorus and copper.
It is then ignited by contact with a hot wire, and immediately a bell jar or bottle is brought over it so as to confine a portion of the air. The phosphorus combines with the oxygen to form an oxide of phosphorus, known as phosphorus pentoxide. This is a white solid which floats about in the bell jar, but in a short time it is all absorbed by the water, leaving the nitrogen. The withdrawal of the oxygen is indicated by the rising of the water in the bell jar.
Inasmuch as air, in addition to oxygen and nitrogen, contains small amounts of other gases, and since the phosphorus as well as the copper removes only the oxygen, it is evident that the nitrogen obtained by these methods is never quite pure. About 1% of the product is composed of other gases, from which it is very difficult to separate the nitrogen. The impure nitrogen so obtained may, however, be used for a study of most of the properties of nitrogen, since these are not materially affected by the presence of the other gases.
Nitrogen is characterized by its inertness. It is neither combustible nor a supporter of combustion. At ordinary temperatures it will not combine directly with any of the elements except under rare conditions. At higher temperatures it combines with magnesium, lithium, titanium, and a number of other elements. The compounds formed are called nitrides, just as compounds of an element with oxygen are called oxides. When it is mixed with oxygen and subjected to the action of electric sparks, the two gases slowly combine forming oxides of nitrogen.
A mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen when treated similarly forms ammonia, a gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. Since we are constantly inhaling nitrogen, it is evident that it is not poisonous. Nevertheless life would be impossible in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen on account of the exclusion of the necessary oxygen. These are all rare elements occurring in the air in very small quantities. Argon,
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